-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • Something Stupid
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1762 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 11625 주소복사
  • 파일1 | 6.jpg(6.3 KB)

I know I stand in line
 Until you think you have the time
 To spend an evening with me
 And if we go someplace to dance
 I know that theres a chance
 You wont be leaving with me
 Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
 And have a drink or two
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 I can see it in your eyes
 That you despise the same old lines
 You heard the night before
 And though its just a line to you
 For me its true
 And never seemed so right before
 I practice every day
 to find some clever lines to say
 To make the meaning come through
 But then I think
 Ill wait until the evening gets late
 And Im alone with you
 The time is right
 Your perfume fills my head
 The stars get red
 And oh the nights so blue
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 The time is right
 Your perfume fills my head
 The stars get red
 And oh the nights so blue
 And then I go and spoil it all
 By saying something stupid
 Like I love you
 I love you I love you

목록 윗글 아랫글

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