-전체회원 POINT 내역

목록 윗글 아랫글
  • 타남대녀 拖男带女
  • 방대동 方大同
  • 번호 1728 | 2010.04.14
  • 조회 11664 주소복사

 come on everybody打开收音机
 all around the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 come on everybody打开你的心
 all aound the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 太阳走过的地方 春风吹醒地上霜
 心与灵爱的呼吸 飞跃海洋的距离
 换回来的是空虚 放开我们的怀抱
 come on everybody打开收音机
 all around the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 come on everybody打开你的心
 all aound the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 love actually love actually
 like the sunshine in my eyes,
 like the showers from the skies
 just like flowers bloom for every girl on valentine
 every breath of love we breath,
 cross the ocean overseas
 nothing can hold back the magic
 that was made for us
 i know money don't make the world go'round
 power don't make the world go'round
 hate don't make the world go'round
 people make the world go'round with love
 come on everybody it's time to give
 make a better place for all to live in love actually
 come on everybody all around the world
 mr. and your mrs. all the boys n girls for love actually
 it's all about this thing call love
 love actually love actually love actually
 all my friends around the globe
 turn on up your radio c'mon and listen to my song
 换回来的是空虚 放开我们的怀抱
 come on everybody打开收音机
 all around the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 come on everybody打开你的心
 all aound the world 拖男带女说爱的主义
 love actually love actually love actually

목록 윗글 아랫글

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회
436 애아파 爱我吧 방대동 方大同 11918
435 100종표정 100种表情 방대동 方大同 11505
434 삼촌일광 三寸日光 양정여 梁静茹 12340
433 매개인도회 每个人都会 방대동 方大同 10766
432 삼인유 三人游 방대동 方大同 11343
431 생명중불가승수적경 生命中不可承受的轻 양정여 梁静茹 10513
430 흑통리 黑洞里 방대동 方大同 10748
429 지다소 知多少 양정여 梁静茹 12650
428 급미래적자기 给未来的自己 양정여 梁静茹 12165
427 흑백 黑白 방대동 方大同 10817
426 일초적천당 一秒的天堂 양정여 梁静茹 10716
425 101 양정여 梁静茹 10667
424 회호흡적통 会呼吸的痛 양정여 梁静茹 11029
423 매천제일건사 每天第一件事 양정여 梁静茹 11303
422 C’est la vie 양정여 梁静茹 11765
421 숭배 崇拜 양정여 梁静茹 12453
420 1234567 방대동 方大同 10874
419 흑백 黑白 방대동 方大同 11261
418 서 序 양정여 梁静茹 11715
417 감과두 憨过头 양정여 梁静茹 10920
  51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60  